Swelling in Royal Palm Beach, FL

House of Smiles


There are multiple reasons that can lead to tooth swellings. However, the main cause behind tooth swelling is bacterial infections. Even though you can take proper care of your oral health and prevent its occurrence, but you would also need the help of your dentist to ease out the situation. In case you see fever and dental swelling occurring together, then you should not delay the call to your dentist. If ignored, this can lead to higher complications and you might have to face more complex dental issues.

(D0150 & D0210) / (D014 & D0220/D0230/D0274)

*Not valid with other offers, insurances, or prior services. This offer is only valid to new patients. This offers can be applied to different family members.

*Patient must bring x-rays to the consultation for the FREE 2nd Opinion

Potential causes

Some of the most common causes behind tooth and gum swelling would include:

Tooth abscess

This is basically caused due to extreme tooth decay and can lead to extreme root and gum swelling.

Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth irritation is common as the teeth try to break through the gum at a weird angle causing it to swell up.


This can cause red, puffy and swelled up gums.

Vitamin C deficiency

This would lead to swelled up gums and tongue. Dentist would ask you to eat food that is rich in Vitamin C along with advising you to take supplements.

The treatment

The first thing that you would need to do is take proper care of your oral health. Do the regular brushing and flossing without any gaps. However, in case you see your gums to be swelled up, gargle with saltwater. If the problem remains, consult your dentist immediately.

This is a very important issue and hence needs immediate attention. The dentist would do a thorough check-up and prescribe antibiotics as required. They would find the root cause of the problem and would treat you accordingly.


    House Of Smiles