Root Canal Treatment in Royal Palm Beach, FL

House of Smiles

Endodontics - Root Canal Therapy

Tooth decay can happen to anyone at any age. With proper dental care and regular visits to the dentist, it is possible to avoid tooth decay and maintain ideal oral health. However, if the decay gets out of hand and reaches the root of the tooth, it is possible to treat it through a root canal.

Our experienced dentist Dr. Shraiteh has performed several root canals in her career and understands the process well. She will conduct a thorough examination of the problem and determine if you need a root canal before recommending it. If you want to know more or have any specific concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us at(561) 753-6633 and book an appointment today at House of Smiles.

tooth pain

(D0150 & D0210) / (D014 & D0220/D0230/D0274)

*Not valid with other offers, insurances, or prior services. This offer is only valid to new patients. This offers can be applied to different family members.

*Patient must bring x-rays to the consultation for the FREE 2nd Opinion

Why Should You Consider

When tooth decay reaches the root, it can be quite painful and compromise your quality of life. The decay can spread to your jaw bone and cause severe damage as well. The only way to avoid this damage is to perform a root canal. This procedure will save your original tooth and keep the root intact while removing the decayed matter. This is a much better alternative to tooth extraction, which can damage the root and requires an implant for tooth replacement. ​

The “Root” of the Problem

What could cause the pulp tissue to become diseased and lead to root canal problems? One potential source of infection is untreated tooth decay, which can allow bacteria from the tooth’s surface to work its way deep inside. A crack or fracture in a tooth could offer another pathway for microorganisms to infect the pulp. Dental trauma — from a sports injury, for example — may also damage dentin or pulp, or expose it to infection. Extensive dental procedures (such as multiple fillings or restorations on the same tooth) may cause trouble; occasionally, even routine procedures like orthodontics may eventually lead to root canal problems.

A Look At The Root Canal Process

The root canal process is fairly straightforward. Our dentist first examines your damaged tooth carefully to determine if alternative treatments are possible. Once a root canal is determined to be the best option, Dr.Shraiteh will:
  • Remove the top half of the tooth to reach the dental pulp inside.
  • Extract all damaged and decayed nerves to ensure there’s no sensitive matter left behind.
  • Fill the hollow in the root with a special dental agent to strengthen its structure.
  • Seal the tooth and place a crown on the top. This gives the tooth a natural appearance and ensures it blends in with other teeth. Once the infection is cleared, any resultant inflammation in the gums will disappear as well.

The tooth and the surrounding areas heal quickly after the treatment is complete. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is relatively painless. Some patients elect to get it done through sleep dentistry to minimize discomfort. If you want a reliable dentist or need advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to House of Smiles at (561) 753-6633. We will make sure you can smile confidently once again.

Root Canal Therapy

Learn how Dr. Shraiteh will perform your root canal therapy.


    House Of Smiles