BRIDGES & CROWNS in Royal Palm Beach, FL

House of Smiles


A dentist or prosthodontist can cement fixed prosthetic devices onto existing teeth or implants known as Bridges and crowns. Crowns as the name suggest works as a cap on a decayed tooth or damaged implants. Bridges cover the space in case of missing teeth. Bridges are fixed to the surrounding natural teeth and cover up the gap created by the missing teeth. Your dentist may recommend a crown when:
  • In the case of lesser remaining teeth, this can be used instead of filling
  • Fracture protection is needed for a weak tooth
  • Restoration of fractured teeth
  • There is a need for attaching a bridge
  • Covering up a dental implant
  • Covering up a discolored, stained or badly shaped teeth
  • Covering a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment
Bad bites can be caused when there are huge gaps as the teeth tend to get shifted. This can also lead to gum disease and TMJ disorders. They cover the space in case of missing teeth and are fixed to the surrounding natural teeth so as to cover up the gaps created by the missing teeth.


dental bridges
Also known as fixed or removable dentures, bridges are used to in the gaps where natural teeth once used to be. Bridges can either be supported by natural teeth, implant or a combination of both.
Talking about the traditional bridge, they are made by placing a crown over the natural teeth present on either side of the gap and filling the gap up with false teeth. They are either made up of porcelain fused metals (PFM) or ceramics. The crowns or caps are mostly supported by natural teeth and even implants. In case the natural teeth are healthy and strong then root canal therapy would not be needed. But it is important to remove all the parts of the teeth which is needed to make up the crown.
It is not mandatory to have natural teeth on either side of the gap in order to avail of dental bridges. You would find cantilever bridges that are held only on one side. A Maryland bonded bridge or a resin-bonded bridge or an acid-etched bridge has a metal framework with “wings” on each side which are cemented at the back of the natural teeth.

These bridges are quite affordable compared to that of the traditional bridges. The reason behind this is, unlike the traditional bridges the adjacent teeth would not need any crown for bonded bridges. But when it comes to strength, both the materials stand in the same position. For Resin-bonded bridges in case of higher biting forces, they tend not to remain in place.

In order to get a dental bridge, you would at least need two visits to the dental clinic. In the first visit, your dentist would check your oral condition and then would fix a temporary crown on it along with taking the impressions of teeth. This would help them to create a customized bridge that would fit perfectly in your mouth.

In the second visit, the bridge would be fixed in your mouth. They last for almost five to seven years, however, the teeth supporting the bridge can get exposed to decays. This is mainly because of poor oral hygiene. With a good dental hygiene routine, you would be able to have cavity-free teeth and the bridge would also last really long.


Dental Crown
When a tooth gets damaged or decayed, then a crown is put over it in order to protect it from any further damages. It is also known as a cap. When a filling cannot be done on a damaged tooth, then a crown is placed in order to prevent it from any further problems A crown may hold together parts of a cracked tooth, a bridge in place and can improve overall facial appearance as well. They act as a cap for poorly shaped and discolored teeth. Crowns can be made ahead of time (prefabricated) or made to order- customized in a laboratory. The pre-made crowns are of plastic or stainless steel. They are temporary in nature until and is used till the permanent ones are made.
Crowns can be made of:
  • All metal
  • Zirconia
  • Porcelain fused to metal (PFM)
  • Porcelain fused to zirconia
  • All ceramic

Different crowns have their own advantages and disadvantages. The one that would suit your needs depends upon your occlusion and the places where you grind your teeth. The final choice of crown depends on your dentist who would finalize it after a thorough dental examination.

Crowns usually last at least 7 years and more if proper care is taken. In many cases, the crown remains fine but the tooth underneath develops a cavity. The only way to avoid it is by maintaining daily and proper oral hygiene.

Preparing the Tooth

You might have to undergo a root canal treatment before opting for a dental crown. However, not all who need a crown would need root canal treatment. Root canal is necessary for cases where the cavity is deep and it has reached to the roots and tissues causing infections.

In many cases, not much of the teeth remain. However, a good foundation is needed in order to support the crown. Once the tooth is filled, you would be able to receive the crown. Generally, two visits are needed to complete the procedure. In the first visit, a temporary crown is placed and in the next one, the permanent one is fixed. However, some dentists do have machines that can make permanent crowns in a visit.

Coming to the traditional crown, the dentist uses a thread or cord to push the teeth away from the gums. Then the dentist will make an impression (copy) of the tooth using a rubber-like material which takes five minutes to set in. You would find many dentists using modern technologies to take an impression of your teeth so that you can avail of the services of a traditional crown.

girls smiling

(D0150 & D0210) / (D014 & D0220/D0230/D0274)

*Not valid with other offers, insurances, or prior services. This offer is only valid to new patients. This offers can be applied to different family members.

*Patient must bring x-rays to the consultation for the FREE 2nd Opinion


Bridges and crowns are great for providing strength to damaged teeth. They improve the overall appearance of the teeth along with improving the shape and curing occlusion problems.


While crowns and bridges can last a lifetime, you would need to take proper care of them in order to ensure their longevity. Do take care of your oral hygiene and also m
ake sure that you brush properly twice a day. Do not forget to floss. Make sure that you do not eat too hard or sticky food for some added care.

Finally, do not forget to see your dentist at least twice a year in order to ensure your oral health is in good shape.


A crown is basically placed like a cap on the oddly shaped tooth to restore its aesthetics as well as the normal function. Porcelain or ceramic crowns have become quite famous these days as they match the natural color of the teeth. Crowns can also be made of gold and metal alloys, acrylic and ceramic. Porcelain fused to metal is often used because it is both a strong material and attractive in its appearance. A bridge is mounted in the places of missing teeth and is attached to the surrounding abutment teeth and implants. A replacement tooth, called a pontic, is attached to the crowns that cover the abutment. You would find bridges made with different materials. The dentist would decide the best bridge material for you depending on different aspects of your dental condition.


    House Of Smiles